Extreme Heat Cool-Down Tips

Extreme Heat

When extreme heat is present, we encourage you and your constituents to stay safe by utilizing air conditioners and follow cool-down tips as temperatures reach triple digits. Please share and consider the following energy-saving tips to save on energy costs.
Ameren Missouri’s Cool-Down Tips:

1. Seek the shade. Keep curtains and drapes closed, especially during the afternoon, to reduce the heat indoors by 33%.

2. Feel the breeze. Set your ceiling fan to spin counterclockwise to create a cool breeze. Supplementing the air conditioner with a ceiling fan enables you to set the thermostat about four degrees higher without affecting your comfort.

3. Close off unused rooms. Close doors and air vents in rooms you aren’t using, so your air conditioner can focus on cooling the rest of the house.

4. Cook dinner outdoors. Grill dinner outside to reduce excess heat produced in the kitchen from large appliances.

5. Clean out air conditioner filters. Clean out HVAC ducts and change the air filter so your air conditioner can run as efficiently as possible.

6. Reduce hot water use. Take shorter, cooler showers and use bathroom exhaust fans to remove heat and humidity.

7. Upgrade your thermostat. Install a smart thermostat that can be programmed to automatically run cooler when you are home and a bit warmer when you are out of the house. Upgrading to a smart thermostat can help save up to $180 in energy costs each year. For a limited time, customers can purchase a Sensi Wi-Fi Thermostat and Emporia Smart Plug for just $1 plus sales tax.